Hyssop is a medicinal plant with a long tradition. The positive disease-relieving properties of the labiate have been known since the 16th century. Hyssop (Hyssopus officinalis), also known as verbena, bee herb, St. Joseph's herb and wine aspen, is a perennial shrub that can reach a height of up to 70 cm.
The leaves of the medicinal plant are narrow and dark green and taper towards the end. The flowering period is between June and August, and deep blue flowers develop.
The effects of the aromatic plant with the spicy, bitter taste have been known since the Middle Ages. It is used in particular for respiratory diseases, as it can have an expectorant effect. In addition, it stimulates the appetite, has a calming effect, is anti-inflammatory and suppresses sweating.
Use of the medicinal herb In traditional folk medicine, hyssop is used primarily for chronic bronchitis, asthma and sore throats. It also has a healing effect on menstrual and heart problems as well as circulatory problems.
Hyssop is also used for external injuries and applying hyssop leaves protects against infections.